Workshop 1: Economic Modeling in Public Health

This is a full-day seminar that introduces the use of economic models to answer public health questions. The seminar combines lectures which introduce key concepts and showcase examples of how economic models have been used in public health, with group discussions that will help participants to understand and critique such models. The morning session will touch on simpler economic models such as decision trees and Markov models. In the afternoon, participants will be introduced to more complex models such as agent-based simulations and system dynamics models.

Speaker: Dr Joanne Yoong



Workshop 2: Genetics in Public Health: A Primer

This is a full-day seminar conducted in 2 parts. In the morning, we will discuss the use of genetic scoring for precision medicine. In many common diseases and complex traits, many common genetic variants with small effect (polygenic) play a greater than rare monogenic mutations (monogenic). As cost of genotyping (or even sequencing) decreases and becomes a commodity, it is important to consider the use of genetic information in early risk stratification or as part of routine clinical care. We will review some of the applications of these polygenic risk scores and discuss some of the limitations and challenges in transferability across populations for risk prediction and communications.

Then after lunch, we will discuss the use of genomic sequencing and bioinformatics technologies in examining the entire genetic composition of infectious pathogenic microorganisms. We will discuss how this genetic information can be used in public health, such as in the rapid identification of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria, leading to more accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment; and in supplementing traditional “shoeleather” epidemiology by providing insights into transmission of infections between individuals.”

Participants should preferably have some basic knowledge in human/pathogen genetics. Participants will not perform genetic analyses in this seminar. Participants should bring a laptop with an internet browser available (Google chrome, Mozilla firefox, Mac Safari, Microsoft IE/Edge), and internet access.

Speakers: Asst Prof Xueling Sim and Asst Prof Rick Ong



Workshop 3: Introduction to Qualitative Methods Workshop

This workshop aims to familiarize participants with various data collection and analytic methods in qualitative research, as well as the relevant ethical considerations and ways to best present and communicate qualitative data. Students will learn practical techniques on how to improve the quality of data collection and conduct analysis. Emphasis will be given on best practices in designing a qualitative research question, data collection and analyses using appropriate methods.

Speaker: Assoc Prof Helena Legido-Quigley